Fulfillment- Path and Goal

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I was moved to learn that my friend Kenzo An, runner, meditator and all-around passionate man, wrote a post on the practice of fulfillment for About Meditation. 

In Yes, Fulfillment Is a Path but It’s Also the Goal he writes that:

There is a deeper source that doesn’t fluctuate based on external conditions. The sense of fulfillment is immediate and unconditional.

Kenzo emphasizes that the practice of fulfillment points you to embrace the entirety of your life as it is now. Meditation is both a gift and a path for engaging the overflowing abundance of good fortune that is already in our lives.

As you shed boundaries between you and your present experience, you’ve likely encountered a visceral happiness simply to be alive.

I’m halfway through what I’ve been calling my year of fulfillment. I confess that over the last six months I have often lost sight of the practice. But it is also true that when things have gotten hard, and I have noticed myself off track, fulfillment is the practice that I keep coming back to. 

I enter the practice through gratitude and appreciation:

  • listing the goodness that is already in my life

  • allowing myself to feel it my body

  • letting go of the idea that fulfillment is somewhere in the future.

  • Remembering that it is all already here

  • How have you been practicing fulfillment?

PS If you like About Meditation, you can also find the podcast interview where I speak openly about the transformational impact that plant medicine is having on my life.