I need a 10 Second Favor

Please click below to subscribe to my newsletter on substack.

*If you are not already on Substack, the process will take a minute or two.

That’s it.

You are done!

And we are very, very GRATEFUL!

We are all bombarded with content. A lot of it is amazing. When our limbic system is not hijacked by the algorithms, we are actually making meaningful choices. So please know that we are always honored by the gift of your attention. We take it seriously. And we receive it as Grace.

Read on if you want to better understand what this is all about. But know that you don’t have to. Your 10 seconds are done!

This change will not impact your experience. You will continue to get my newsletter in your inbox.

If you happen to be someone who reads your newsletters on the Substack app, then you will now have other ways to interact with the content. I’m finding it to be a very cool space to interact with the people I love to read and learn from.

It is better if you subscribe through Substack by clicking the link because it will help them know that we are not spammers. If we just transfer thousands of emails ourselves. We run the risk of getting flagged as spammers, and that would take weeks to undo.

Less Algorithms, More Us

Emergence is not about critical mass. It is about critical connections. We are not trying to get to everybody. We are trying to get to the people who want what we want.

We are describing my newsletter as:

Bridging social justice with heterodox thought. Thought that is rooted in the aspirations of our movements while breaking free of ideological rigidity and the traps of polarization. We are done with fundamentalisms. Tune in for musings, missives, gatherings and dialogues that range from ancestral wisdom to new ideas and experiments at the intersection of spirit and culture.

We are aiming for liberation through connection, intention and relentless experimentation.

Sure. Substack will help us find people who would not otherwise find us. But we are not about algorithms. We are about peer to peer. It is about you. About resonance within you. And about your choice to share with those who resonate with you.

Can’t wait to see what happens next!

Gibran RiveraComment