EVOLVE Mastermind

Due to Covid-19 Evolve Mastermind is currently postponed. Sign up below for updates

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100 Days to Change Your Life

6 day kick off retreat at Breitenbush Hot Springs
94 days of daily virtual check ins, private and group coaching calls and accountability groups.


I’m looking for a diverse group of people on their A game to participate in a Mastermind Group. Driven people. Motivated. Healthy. If you’ve heard of The Evolutionary Leadership Workshop, this is EL on steroids

You are the average of the five people you associate with most. We are social animals. We are shaped by our peers. I’m going to give 100 days to the strongest group of peers that I can possibly bring together. 100 days for transformation. 100 days to make things happen.

Bring your project, dream and goal, and commit to make it real. 
You’ll be up by early every single day. 
You will watch what you eat. 
Keep a mindfulness practice. 
And take good care of your body.

You will check-in every day.
You’ll have a group call every week.
And you will move your work forward.
This is space for evolution.

I will pour myself into this. I will give you more than a decade of experience helping people make dreams real. You will have masterful facilitation, creating access to one another’s learning and resources.

Here is a support group. A consultancy. A fellowship of friends. An accountability structure. A point A to point B. This is what it means to commit.


EVOLVE Mastermind is a 100 day intensive for people that are ready to take their life’s work to the next level.

Your Mastermind Group is your personal board of directors. It is your intimate power network. It is the group that will cheer you on. Challenge you. Support you. Connect you. And hold you accountable to your highest self. It is designed and facilitated so that your cohort continues to live as a power and support network long after our 100 days to level up. You will build relationships that will last the rest of your life.

EVOLVE is for you if

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You are in your A Game. You are in the middle of your career and you have achieved a level of mastery. You know the taste of success. You are making a meaningful contribution.

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Members are all working on a project. The project can be in any stage of development. It can be an idea in your head. Or something that you are years into building.

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You know that networks are everything. And you want your network to grow. You understand the power of a network of people who are different from you. You get that innovation happens when fields and experiences collide.

You have an achievement motive. You know how to work towards a goal. You grow with consistency. One step at a time. You can be accountable to others in order to achieve your best.

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It’s not about what you do. It’s all about who you are. You understand that growth is about action, about mind, body and spirit. You want to integrate. To bring all of yourself to what you do in the world.

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You have an abundance mindset. When you give the pie gets bigger. You know that generosity leads to fulfillment. You understand that you are here to make a meaningful contribution. You find joy when you help others to grow.

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Join a tribe of diverse leaders operating at the top of their fields. Surround yourself by people committed to leveling up, building their skills and evolving their consciousness. This are the people on your side. People who will challenge you. And people who will cheer you on. These are the people that will shape you.

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Spur your career by developing the project that you’ve been dreaming of. Take the initiative to build the thing that will shape the next stage of your work.  

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Be a better person. Bring your attention to the things that matter most. Bring more of yourself to your relationships. With yourself. With your family. With your friends. And with the people you work with. Become someone that inspires. Engage your own evolution. And become the best version of yourself.

Get in the best shape of your life, physically and mentally. Feel good, grounded, centered and connected. Experience a new level of vitality. Build a new capacity to create. And have confidence to face the unexpected challenges of our day.

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Before we launch we will provide you with a life assessment. This assessment will be based on your application. On your personal goals and your obstacles to growth. On your initial program interview. On your answers to an intake questionnaire. And on a questionnaire that will be answered by 5 people close to you. This will be your personal roadmap for the next 100 days.

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We begin with a 6 day retreat on nestled in the woods of the Pacific North West at Breitenbush Hot Springs. This is an intensive. A full immersion. We take a deep dive. Exploring our personal narratives. The needs and desires defining our goals. Our fears and obstacles to growth. Our sources power, inspiration and deep authentic connection. We will be in paradise together. With exclusive access to a gorgeous and rustic retreat center.

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Gibrán will offer three direct coaching sessions to each individual participant. One at the beginning, one in the middle and one at the end of our process. He will be with you every step of the way to make sure you are reaching your goals.


After the retreat we will have a daily check-in structure. This work is all about momentum. It is about humming on all cylinders. It is about rising early. About exercise, diet, mindfulness and getting your work done. The group is responsible for supporting you, and holding you accountable to your goals.

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We alternate weekly calls between your small group calls and full cohort calls facilitated by Gibrán. These calls are group consultations where we leverage each other’s connections and expertise in order to move each of our projects forward.

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You will develop one-on-one coaching relationships with your peers. Meeting regularly during our 100 day process.

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After our 100 days together you will remain a part of EVOLVE the Mastermind’s social network for life. Every year new participants will join and you’ll have access to more individuals committed to their own evolution and how they impact our world.


See If You Qualify

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June 23-28 2020 is our kickoff retreat and the program will conclude on September 14.



Our kickoff will take place at Breitenbush Hot Springs Retreat Center. The remainder of the 100 days we will connect digitally.


$ 1,600* is the program cost for the 100 days, which includes:

  • Fully facilitated EVOLVE Kickoff Retreat

  • Three Private Coaching Sessions with Gibrán

  • Life Assessment Package and Follow Up

  • 100 day EVOLVE Mastermind Program

  • Lifetime access to the EVOLVE Mastermind Network

In addition you will need to secure lodging at Breitenbush for the kickoff retreat. Lodging and meals at Breitenbush, which ranges from $415-$820 depending on your lodging preference.



Act now. You get to be a founding member of this community.

*This will be a $3500 program for the next cohort