Somatic Scribe

I am two years away from 50. I find this to be a great thing. There is nothing quite as beautiful as the process of learning to live.

It also means that I am subject to the same marvel and challenge that every generation must face. The young will come, and they will want something different and new.

A tension arises that demands we stay in it. There is a wisdom that comes with experience, invaluable things that must be preserved, and there is a wisdom in letting go, and allowing what’s new to emerge.

I have not always handled that tension well. And I often have to ask myself: am I taking a stand for what is true and what is good? Or am I that curmudgeon middle-aged man in resistance to the new?

This is why I make it a point to make sure to interview some younger people on the podcast. And I am inevitably blown away.

This conversation with Kate Morales moved me to the core. I can honestly tell you I grew from it. That I’m still integrating lessons learned from this beautiful talk between kindred souls.

Kate is a Somatic Scribe. And when I first heard it, a small part of me was like “do we really have to change the term for ‘graphic recorder,’ the person that uses images to capture what is going on in a group.

Then I learned what Kate meant. And part of me shook with realization. Kate stands in a lineage, in a way that precedes conferences rooms, retreat centers and even writing. 

Kate’s body is sensing in the way of the ancients. They are channeling what cannot be spoken but can only be seen.

Kate lives a courageous life, experimenting with ways of being that aim to unlock from the consensus trance that defines our culture and our day. They are a young person whose very presence is a “yes” to life and to what is good.

You will learn from Kate. And you will want more of them in your life.




Kate’s work as a Somatic Scribe and culture creator is in service of supporting social ecologies to know themselves intimately. Their work uses image, symbol, story, intuition and ancestral memory to activate the wisdom in a collective towards decolonial healing. They are a founding member of the Ecoversities Alliance where they serve as a writer, researcher and curator of transnational conversations about queer pedagogy. Currently making home on Maskoke territory in the city of Atlanta, Kate is a xicanx, queer unschooling parent-in-community. They are a capoerista, drag performer and devoted student of Black feminism, fungi, and love.

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