Magic and Transformation

Aquiring knowledge of whatever kind, but especially of the hidden workings of [our own] psyche, is difficult and painful work that most of us have never wanted to do.

(King, Warrior, Magician, Lover p101)

Let’s get back to magic. You are meant to be a Warrior. You are meant to be a King. You are meant to be a Lover.

AND you are meant to be a Magician.

But what could that possibly mean in this post-modern age. These days when Marvel movies are the closest we can come to touch myth?

Most of us know that alchemy was on one level the attempt to make gold from common materials. On that level it was doomed to fail. But what most of us don’t realize is that alchemy was also a spiritual technique for helping the alchemists themselves achieve insight, self-awareness, and personal transformation—that is, initiation into greater maturity. (p101)

The magician must look deeply at himself. And it is from that self-knowledge, the seeing that comes with the rites of arduous initiation, that we become the sort of men that can give shape to new worlds.

As you prepare for our meeting I invite you to re-read the introduction to our section on “The Magician.” Starting on page 97. Then continue to read Historical Background from page 98 to page 106.

Please come to our call with a quote from this section that brings up the biggest question for you.

Curiously, I am preparing for this call just as I prepare to interview adrienne maree brown, who inspired the very launch of the Better Men Project. And I will be interviewing her on her new book: Fables and Spells!

It seems magic is in the air.

The interview is November 16. You can register here, at the bottom of the page.

See you Monday.

Find your magic.

