Marriage (Even if you are not)

This next gathering of the Better Men Project, the one on November 13, will be the first men’s call I hold as Tuesday’s husband. We are getting married on November 5!!!! (Your prayers and well wishes are warmly welcomed. Marriage is a communal contract.)

Coincidentally, we are also in the last section of “King, Warrior, Magician, Lover.” So we are deepening our understanding of the masculine Lover archetype.

Let’s talk about marriage. About all the things. The married men can share the ups and downs of their journey. Their current struggles and/or their current joys.

The unmarried men can tell us about where you are on the question of marriage. Are you looking forward to it? Or do you not believe in it?

We also want to learn about divorce.

We can talk about committed relationships that might be leading to marriage, or committed partnerships where that is not the goal.

Those of you exploring open or polyamorous relationships can bring that in too.

And of course, what might be the hardest, but often still true, is the question of fidelity, whether you are married or not.

The Lover takes many forms. I encourage you to read the full section on The Lover in “King, Warrior, Magician, Lover.” But we will not be directly piercing into the text.

From my friends, my coaching and my healing work, I keep learning that too many heterosexual women are deeply dissatisfied in their marriages. And that’s definitely on us. As partners, and as friends to other men.

The gay brothers in our group are very warmly welcomed to speak of how these commitments play out in the same or in different ways in your own relationships.

I am really looking forward to our call, and YES, honestly, I am looking forward to being welcomed into our fold as a newly married man!

So good to be on this journey with you. We’ve been in it since I was previously married, and you were with me through the pain of my divorce.