The Lover in His Fullness

It will be so good to come together again after our two-month summer break. We are going to dive right into an exploration of the masculine as Lover. 

In preparation for our call, please read the section of “King, Warrior, Magician, Lover” that is titled “The Lover in His Fullness,” pages 120-125.

We are going to devote more than one call on this subsection. The authors touch some really deep ground as they explore the Lover archetype. I am moved by the way they expand our understanding of “The Lover,” to include a broader, sensual connection with all of life. The way the archetype is a portal to the mystical experience. And the fact that embodying the Lover is also about enduring, about being in touch with what is hard and painful about the human experience.

But for this Monday’s call, I want to invite us to bring our attention just to that first sentence of the section:

“The Lover is the archetype of play and of “display,” of healthy embodiment, of being in the world of sensuous pleasure and in one’s own body without shame.”

The sentence is packed with enough truth for us to spend all of our evening diving into its meaning and implications. Take the sentence now. Write it somewhere that you come back to. Keep it in your pocket and make it part of your contemplation. Work with it at the level of senses and the body.

Get curious. Open.

And bring what you discover to our time together. 

See you Monday!