Join Our Coaching Cohort

Apply to Join Our Coaching Cohort Now

tldr: Join our coaching cohort and let others know about it. Here is why. The video at the end says much of what I wrote. Some of you prefer the audio or visual versions. This is not a long one!

I write to ask you to seriously consider joining our coaching cohort. And I write to tell you why. As you read, I am also asking you to consider someone in your life who will grow and be served by this work. It could be a leader you support, your own boss, someone you mentor, a partner you love who is ready to thrive.

We all have to deal with specific challenges, and deep personal blocks. These get in the way of being and becoming our best. THIS Coaching Cohort is designed to unlock, unblock, and help you level up.

The details are already spelled out in the sign up page.

Here I want to get deeper into the “why” for you, and into my personal “why" for this offer. It is an intensive 10-Week Program. In my experience, it is a tightly defined container. A setting with a beginning, middle and an end, provides optimal conditions for growth. It is a positive pressure cooker. It lights a fire under you.

It is also true that ALL leaders have to coach. Even those who are not professional coaches. You will get one-on-one coaching from me, and you will peer coach each other. The peer coaching will be both in a group setting and in a one-on-one setting with other participants. It is a fundamental practice for a successful life, for good friendship, and true love.

We can define this coaching process as leadership coaching. It is coaching to help you get something done in the real world. And that IS what we will do.

But the fact is that there is really no way to do this leadership coaching without getting deep. Deep into what needs to be freed and healed within you. Don’t let this turn you off or scare you. KNOW that whatever is unaddressed inside of you, will always get in the way of the great you are meant to do. This is the time to get to it.

For many years I thought that my passion and my gifts should be exclusively focused on serving groups. I feel so blessed to have learned to work deeply one-on-one with the remarkable people I get to serve.

AND! Serving the group is still my super power. I define the success of my work by the depths of relationships, the power networks, that far outlive any original engagement with me.

It is my already proven intention to leave you with true peers, with a network that you can turn to over and over again. I often joke that I will one day start a congregation. And that I will call it “The Congregation of Co-Evolution Through Friendship.” It is my life's calling to help us turn towards one another.

When we want to get good at anything we need three things:

  • We need people who know more than us about whatever it is we are trying to get good at.

  • We need peers, people who are learning along with us.

  • And we need to mentor people who want to learn what we are learning. (Remember, a 4th grader can teach a 2nd grader).

Some call this a “holon.” The part that contains the whole. The fact that a drop of the ocean is itself the ocean.

Here is your opportunity to better develop the peer-to-peer part of your “holon.”

This is a premium product. Anyone is welcome to donate funds for scholarships. But we don’t have them right now.

This is why, if you don’t have the means right now, I’m inviting you to invite someone you know who might have the means. Their participation will improve how they show up in your life. I also want to invite you to remember that if you work for an organization, they are often willing to pay for or subsidize your participation.

Now I want to share a most practical, very personal reason why I want you to join or to help others to join.

We have slots filling up. Which is AWESOME. My goal right now is to run two concurrent cohorts.

When I can do something like this, it gives a more solid structure to my calendar. It makes the use of my body, spirit and time more sustainable. And it allows me to subsidize work that is well below the daily rate that big institutions are willing to pay me.

Your participation, and your help getting participants, make other parts of my work more accessible to those who cannot afford it. And more specifically to the beautiful people of color in my life whose work is still undervalued.

The following video is very much a re-statement of what I’m sharing here. Some people prefer video to text.

I appreciate you, your attention, and your incredible care for this work.

Apply to Join Our Coaching Cohort Now

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