Attention is Currency

Your attention is your currency. This is both a spiritual fact and a political fact. We live in a distraction economy. The biggest corporations of our day live and die based on how much of YOUR attention they can get. Advertisement is the backbone of capitalism. Advertisement’s purpose is to capture your attention. Once your attention is captured it seeks a hold on your imagination and once it has your imagination it seeks to shape who and how you choose to be. It promises meaning and purpose, but it leaves you empty instead.

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Ten Days of Meditation

Our experiment is almost over. Join us for ten more days of meditation!

Maybe you've been with us all along and you are now 30 days into your practice. Or maybe you signed up full of desire and commitment to get into meditation for the first time, or to finally come back to it - but maybe you couldn’t quite do it, you couldn’t quite get those five minutes in every day. Perhaps you didn't sign up for our experiment, but you really thought about it, maybe something struck your curiosity about this practice.

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Step by Step

Vincent Van Gogh is a huge inspiration for my work - ever since I read “Lust for Life.” And Seth Godin is an important model for approaching it. I appreciated his post today, in “When will you get to Ramsgate?” Seth takes the arch of Van Gogh’s work to illustrate one of his core mantras “drip, drip, drip,” or, you get there step-by-step. He shows Van Gogh’s evocative yet somber painting of Ramsgate. It took skill to get there, it took step after step after step. And Van Gogh was still nowhere near the Van Gogh that we are so moved by today.

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Sober Mala

A “japa mala” is usually composed of 108 beads. It is a lot like a rosary and it is used to facilitate the repetition of the Divine name. It helps focus the mind during meditation and it helps return to center throughout the day. 108 is a sacred number in the yogic tradition. Today I celebrate 108 days without taking alcohol or pot, today is my sober mala.

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Spring Equinox Meditation

March 20 is a special day. It marks the halfway point in our 40-day effort to meditate daily. It is also the Spring Equinox. It is one of two days of the year in which day and night are in perfect balance, they are equal in length. It is also the time of the year after which our days start to get longer. Our ancestors paid a lot of attention to these celestial events. Let’s honor them. Let’s observe the Spring Equinox together.

Join me and our community in meditation this Sunday, March 20 at 7PM East/4PM West. It will be a 30 minute call.

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Solidarity Summit

I spent "Super Tuesday" facilitating the third "Solidarity Summit," a series of convenings bringing together American - Arabs, Asians, South Asians, Latinos, Black folks and Muslims of a diversity of backgrounds. These leaders are organizers and activists, policy advocates and social media personalities, part of new and emergent movements as well as representatives from legacy organizations. To me they are already legendary. They are the people who give shape to history.

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Change Hearts

Be careful of the "grown ups." Seriously. They think they have figured it out. Be careful of anyone who claims to have figured it out.

Now think about it, when have you changed?

How have you changed?

What made you change?

It was either trauma or epiphany. It was either a broken heart or a flood of love and light. Our hearts change, then we change. We become more open or we become more afraid. And that's how we move ahead. We are either hopeful or hobbled by mistrust.

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Gibran Rivera93-123Comment
Today I Turn 41

This is my life. And today I get to celebrate it. I get to celebrate the treasure that is my family and I get to celebrate the blessing of living a life of purpose. This will be my 41st journey around the sun. Turning 40 came with a significant transition, a different way of being in the world. I am enjoying every bit of this decade. I feel like my feet touch the ground. I feel like I have something to stand on and I have something to build. It is nothing short of excilarating.

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Gibran Rivera93-123Comment
Let's Meditate

I’ve been a meditator for about 12 years. I have experienced ebbs and flows in my practice and I have meditated every day of 2016. On February 29 I will be concluding a 60 day meditation “challenge.” A commitment to meditate at least 20 minutes per day every day for 60 days. I don’t want stop. And I want to invite you to join me.

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Gibran Rivera93-123Comment